Saturday, April 10, 2010

Potage Parmentier....simplicity itself

I finally started reading Julie and Julia.

The first recipe up - Potage Parmentier, described as "simplicity itself." Potatoes, leeks, salt.

Simple, but not easy. SO TRUE.

Makes me think of my "clean eating" goal. I mean really, how complex could it be to just cut out processed foods from our diets and eat whole foods? Simple concept...however, I am running into some implementation barriers. Willpower being barrier numero uno. I think I eat a box a week of Raisin Nut Bran. It's delicious. And Easy. And processed.

Frankly, I think I need a full time personal chef to make this happen - the weekly grocery shopping for fresh foods alone is not a piece of cake (oops, bad analogy).

Suggestions anyone? I am going to subscribe to Casey's Clean Eating magazine for tips :-)

1 comment:

  1. I love the clean eating magazine! Although, I don't think I can take credit or ownership of it :) Glad to introduce you! We can help each other! I drink a weight watchers smoothie every morning. I gotta find something else. Breakfast is a good start :) So proud of you for all your efforts! :)
