Tuesday, October 27, 2009

672 Lurkers?

Lurker Definition = "A lurker is one who sits in an internet chat room, message base or newsgroup, but does not participate."

Could 672 of you be lurking around Madilun's Memoirs and not leave even ONE comment??!! Or, is the commenting function broken? Just wondering...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Multiple personalities

Woo hoo! I finished my website....check it out at:


I have finally gotten a few volunteers to be models (see the "personalities" link in my gallery). Any more volunteers? I need practice.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Anyone want some free photo prints, photobooks, etc?

I have found a great deal with lots of freebies for those of you interested in prints of your photos and other personalized items like photobooks. Use this link to check out ArtsCow.com:


Registering is free and I just did it last night and instantly got 1200 free photo credits ans 3 free 8x8 photo books. If anyone uses the link above to join I get another 200 credits. Not bad, eh?

It looks like all you have to pay for is shipping (they have to make $$ somehow).

I am going to try to order a few things now....I'll let you know if it's a hoax! Ha. 

Monday, October 19, 2009

My hubby is famous!

Check out this Microsoft Windows 7 case study - they quoted Matt all over the place!! He was a test user a few months ago:


Monday, October 12, 2009

Apple butter...or is it apple sugar??

This weekend was a new experience for me...although I have heard my grandmother talk about it for years I never actually experienced the making of apple butter at Marvin Chapel in Mt. Airy, MD. My mom and Aunt Denise came up to visit and we made the trip to Maryland for the annual event with Granny, many other relatives and church friends.

I don't know who came up with the name apple "butter" because based on the ingredients it clearly is apple "sugar" - take a look:

During the weekend we also were able to attend the Catoctin Color Fest which is right in my cousin Becky's back (and front) yard! I took lots of photos and posted them on http://www.madilun.com/ so check them out!

Monday, October 5, 2009

I carried home 4 sacks of potatoes

Well, sort of anyways.

I am moving on to Phase II of P90X so I decided I needed to up the weights. Across the street from my office is a sporting goods store so I bought a set of 10 lb dumbbells. I had to carry them home with me on the metro after work. They were getting pretty heavy after a while.

And this made me realize - a year ago I was carrying home an extra 20 lbs every day. That is like four sacks of potatoes. EVERY DAY.

I am not going to lie- P90X is not what I call "fun" but every once in a while I am going to carry my 10-lb dumbbells to work and home just to remind me why it is worth it. I am still looking for a P90X work out partner...if you are out there let me know.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Game Day

Leslie was right. I need a hobby.

Well, she usually is right but this time she was right about something I didn't foresee.

About a year ago she told me I would need a hobby once the wedding was over. As she predicted I spent 11 months concerned with every detail of wedding planning (and believe me, there were more details than I care to recall). And now that it is all over and I am a happily married woman....now what? I should have spare time on my hands right? Well, luckily the job kicked it up a notch so that has filled the "gap" so to speak. But, it is not just about filling spare time...it is more about finding a creative outlet....and a passion.

You have probably already figured out what I chose - photography. Matt and I have been looking at cameras for a few months and with the help of one of my personal fave photographers (my wedding photographer, Kenzie!) we picked one. He bought me a few books, too, and off I went - snappin' away in my neighborhood this weekend. This is more complicated than I first imagined (f-stop? aperture priority mode? good glass? GOOD LORD...) but I am excited to learn a new skill.

I hope you will put up with me and at least glance at my work from time to time! I promise it will get better as I learn more and practice. I need models so if you want to get your picture taken let me know!!! In true Marketing-Marni fashion I have my own branding for my work so if you want to keep up with me you can "Fan me" on Facebook (Madilun Photography) or check out my "strictly photos" blog (http://www.madilun.com/).

Friday, October 2, 2009