Monday, October 5, 2009

I carried home 4 sacks of potatoes

Well, sort of anyways.

I am moving on to Phase II of P90X so I decided I needed to up the weights. Across the street from my office is a sporting goods store so I bought a set of 10 lb dumbbells. I had to carry them home with me on the metro after work. They were getting pretty heavy after a while.

And this made me realize - a year ago I was carrying home an extra 20 lbs every day. That is like four sacks of potatoes. EVERY DAY.

I am not going to lie- P90X is not what I call "fun" but every once in a while I am going to carry my 10-lb dumbbells to work and home just to remind me why it is worth it. I am still looking for a P90X work out partner...if you are out there let me know.

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