Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Mostly plants....

This is a toughy. But, to sum it up, it is pretty much a universal consensus that eating plants is good for you. However, since I am an omnivore so here is the next point - you are what what you eat eats, too. Just as I should eat veggies, cows should eat grass. But they don't. Why? Because it is cheaper to feed them seeds. And this makes them sick. And so we give them antibiotics. And therefore I eat a less healthy slab of beef with too few omega 3's and too much saturated fat. You'll have to read the book (see previous post) for the details...

So, what to do? Pull out your wallet and eat organic. 100% grass fed beef....look for the word "pastured" on the package so you know the animals has access to grass. The same goes for chickens and their eggs.

1 comment:

  1. farmers markets are the best place... and it isn't expensive! At least not at the market near us. as for right now... I have no idea where to get it. :(
