Thursday, January 28, 2010

Not too much!

For me there seems to be a very fine line between enough and too much.

We have all heard of the "20 minute rule" where it takes this much time for the food you have eaten to reach your small intestines and signnal to your brain to stop eating. In theory if you eat slowly your food will get to your gut before you have woofed down a super-sized serving.

Why can't I be more like my mother and nephew? If you want to see a slow-eaters contest you just have to check these two out. Breakfast is only half eaten by lunch time. Me, well, not so much. I am more like my dad. We can eat a meal lickedy split. Since I can't seem to slow myself down I have implemented a new strategy. While I am cooking dinner I eat my salad in hopes to fill myself up on some healthy PLANTS and allow enough travel time for the road trip to my intestines.

That's it. Now go read the book: In Defense of Food.

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