Sunday, January 3, 2010

Results Matter. Here are mine.

In September I started P90X ...which hence the name should have taken me 90 days. It took me about an extra month. I did the "Lean" version which is slightly less intense than the classic version. Drumroll please............

Results matter. My results from the past few months are not very impressive. So, to make a better story I will start back in 2005 when I graduated from college. I had maintained my weight around 130 for most of previous seven years (yea, it took me awhile to graduate). Here I am at my graduation party with my nephew.

Then off to Ohio for a real J-O-B. Between 2005 and 2007 I gained 10 pounds. Thus, I decided I needed to lose the weight. I decided to do "Body for Life" and took my before photos in October 2007 and measurements. Here they are along with a couple other of my favorite (fat) photos. I remember looking at this one from the Red's game and thinking, "OMG, I look pregnant! &%$#^*!!". Something needed to be done.

October  2007 Measurements:
Weight: 139
Body Fat 30%
Bust: 35"
Waist/Navel: 34"
Hips: 38"

Between then and June 2008 I really did not make much, if any, progress. I still weighed about 140, had not  significantly changed my diet and did not stick to an exercise program. Here I am as a bridesmaid at my friends wedding.

I suppose I just needed an incentive that would motivate me to change my lifestyle. It came on July 18, 2008. Matt proposed! I had 11 months before the big day. Here is a photo from the night in Chicago just minutes after he popped the question.

I lived in DC by myself while Matt was in school in Cincinnati until his December 2008 graduation. I started sticking to a healthier diet and exercising more (jogging, workout videos, etc.).  I made some progress. I probably lost about 5 pounds in 6 months. We had some engagement photos taken in October and here is a photo from Matt's graduation in December.

Luckily when Matt graduated he moved to DC and was willing to become my personal trainer. He worked out with me 4-5 times a week and we ate MUCH healthier together. We were not, however, following any commercial diet or exercise program. We cut all white bread/rice from our diet, ate mostly lean meats and a lot more veggies, drank more skim know, all the stuff we should have been doing all along. We used the gym in our apartment building, jogged around the national mall, and planned a wedding. was exhausting :-) But it worked!!! Here are some of my favorite pics from the best day of my life:
And the Honeymoon!!!

So here are the facts. May 2009 Measurements:
Weight: 119 (-19.8 lbs)
Body Fat 20.2% (-9.8%)
Bust: 34" (-1")
Waist:/Navel 30" (-3.5")
Hips: 33.75" (-4.25")

Not bad, eh? Well, this brings us back to reality. We returned to DC, back to our real lives and back to old bad habits. After a few months I started to gain the weight right back so I decided to start P90X.  Here are my starting measurements:

September 2009:
Weight: 123 (+4 lbs)
Body Fat: 24.3% (+4.1%)
Bust: 34 (n/c)
Wasit/Navel: 31 (+.5")
Hips: 33.5 (-.25")

And finally the moment you have been waiting for....
December 2009:
Weight: 127 (+4 lbs)
Body fat: 24.5% (+.2%)
Bust: 35 (+1")
Wasist/Navel: 33" (+2")
Hips: 34.5" (+1")

WHAT WENT WRONG?? I have lots of excuses:
1) I did not stick to the exercise routine, especially when traveling for work/holidays
2) Did I mention holidays?
3) I have been much less strict about my diet

So, it is time to regroup and try again. I have decided to do P90X again, but this time the classic version ( I started on January 1 (yes, after a night of that is dedication). I am also going to do the Abs Diet ( Here are my goals:

1) Measurements:
Weight: 122
Body Fat: 22%
Bust: 34"
Waist: 31"
Hips: 33"

2) Strength: 1 FULL PULL-UP!!!

3) Endurance: I am going to run in the St Patty's Day 8K

To help me stick with it this time I have enlisted the help of a "coach" (Thanks Jeff!) and I am looking for anyone who wants to be my workout buddy (virtual that is....). Just let me know!


  1. Such Honesty!! Great job and good way to hold yourself accountable. I need to get the videos, but would like to be your buddy ;)

  2. Awesome recap. Maybe when I'm done with all the baby making I can really committ with you.
