Sunday, September 13, 2009

Going Green.

And by that I not only mean helping the environment but I also mean putting more green in the bank! We are officially carless now (no, not careless, car-less). Matt sold our FJ Cruiser yesterday. We are really really really city folk now.

Today we needed to go grocery shopping and Matt wanted to go to Trader Joe's (which not not in our neighborhood). So, we decided to hop on the metro and get to the nearest metro stop and then walk over. I know you are wondering....did they take their own wheely cart??? HECK YES WE DID. But, we ran into a little glitch....there was an "incident" on the red line and it wasn't running in our neighborbood. On to plan B: the bus.

We walked a few blocks to the bus stop and took a leisurely (30 minute) ride to the grocery store. So far, so good. Shopping trip - check! (thanks for the gift card mommy). Now back on the bus to get home. Here comes the problem -- that wheely cart full of groceries is not soo easy to hoist up onto and manuver around the bus. Good thing we were together because this was a two man job. Are you picturing it now?

Life will be interesting now that we are car-less...I am certain there will be more stories to come.

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