Friday, September 4, 2009


Matt and I were able to FINALLY secure some tickets to visit the White House earlier this week. Very cool. We make very good tourists.
Our tour guide was a 20-something secret service dude. My favorite part of the tour was when a young boy asked him, "Are those "air quotes" you keep using when you talk?" HAHAHA.
The tour took us through the east wing where they have a library and a china room. Then we went up stairs to the "East Room" where Obama holds a lot of his press conferences. I am sure now when I see him speak I will be all excited because I WAS THERE. Okay, so then we went through the "Green Room" and the "Blue Room" and the "Red Room"....clever naming system, eh? We saw Bo and the girls out on the front lawn playing. No sight of Barack or Michelle though...maybe next time.

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