Saturday, September 12, 2009

I love tea parties, too

When my nephew was born I was still pretty young and living at home. He was kinda like the younger sibling I never had (I am the youngest of three). For some reason my mom had a little tea set and I would have tea parties with Tyler. My mom would make us tiny pancakes (2 inches wide). Well, once my brother caught wind of this we had to put it to and end. It was fun while it lasted. Now I have two nieces so the tea parties are more acceptable :-)

Anywho...why do I bring this up? Well, apparently there is a "Tea Party" in D.C. today. I had never heard of such a thing until some friends of ours from out of town started calling to let us know they were going to be here. I just Googled this thing to see what it is all about and here is a pic from the "live cam" a few blocks from our house:
What in the world is this? It reminds me of the inauguration. I'm going to have to go down there and see for myself. Read on:

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